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L2P Appraisals

Doctors and Revalidation Managers prefer L2P to other systems. Just ask any Trust or organisation that has switched from other systems. Why give them anything less?

L2P 360 MSF

Hear what Workforce Managers, Associate Medical Directors and appraisal specialists say about their experience with L2P's appraisal system.

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Faster and Easier

No more wrestling with clunky software.  Every button right where doctors need it.  No duplication of effort.  Stacks of automation.  Complete appraisals in one smooth, logical flow.  No shifting back and forth between folders, evidence and comments. Doctors love the speed and ease of use.

Better appraisals

Innovative tools for appraisers and administrators empower you to reach new standards of quality.


Configuration settings allow us to tailor the system precisely to your needs.  This is why, in side by side tests, users of all kinds prefer L2P to an exceptional degree.

One click reporting

Each client gets L2Ps amazing Dashboards and Reporting functionality.  They provide everything you need to report to NHSE/I with one key stroke.  Plus, we can set new customers up with a customised set of reports for your Executive Directors and your Board - exactly as you want them.

Your Doctors will thank you for switching

"Having previously used PReP, I was sceptical that an electronic system would add any value.  So we abandoned it and went back to the MAG.

But L2P is amazing and the benefits have been instant.  It's so intuitive and easy to use.  We've even started getting unprompted praise from doctors."

Support Ltd

Switching is easy

We have moved clients from most of the other systems in the market and they've been delighted.  Ask for our client references.

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Data Migration

A turnkey migration service where we do all the work to have you up and running fast.


Superb Service

Instant service that gets 10/10 ratings and receives nothing but compliments.


Cost Savings

We always provide a better product and service, almost always at a lower overall cost.

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